Thursday, February 15, 2007

Important and Useful Produce Information

You know those annoying little stickers that you have to pull off of your fruit before you can eat it? Those stickers can also be an easy way to tell how your produce was grown. Each fruit has a four of five digit Price Look-up (or PLU) code that is given based on how it was grown. Produce that is conventionally grown has a four-digit PLU code and generally begins with a three or four. Organically grown produce has a five-digit code and begins with a nine. Genetically modified produce has a five digit code as well, but the first number is an eight.
For example, the PLU for a conventionally grown banana is 4011; an organic banana is coded 94011; and a genetically modified banana is 84011.

This is an easy way to tell how your produce was grown while you are grocery shopping. In general, it is wise to avoid genetically modified produce (beginning with an eight). If organic produce is not available, conventionally grown produce (four-digit code) would be the next best option. If a fruit or vegetable is labeled as organic, it has to meet the standards laid out by the National Organic Program:
By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all genetically modified organisms, produced without artificial pesticides and fertilizers, and come from an animal reared without the routine use of antibiotics, growth promoters or other drugs. Labeling of organic food is voluntary, but all foods that claim to be organic, must meet the guidelines set forth by the USDA.

Read a related article here.

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