Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Dangers of Grains, The Truth About FATS

Contrary to the advice of the American Food Pyramid, we do not need 6-11 servings of grains a day, in fact, we do not need any. In the past, humans consumed a diet of proteins from hunted animals and vegetables that they gathered. It has only been in the last couple thousand years that humans have started eating grains, and our bodies have not adjusted to be able to properly process them.

The diabetes epidemic in America is as much caused by grains and artificial carbs and it is by sugars. Optimally, the carbohydrates we consume should come from pure, raw and non genetically modified vegetables. For people trying to lose weight, even large amounts of fruit can be a sabotage. Even the whole grains that have become a new diet fad are largely unregulated and cannot be processed completely by our bodies. Actually, a lot of the things you hear from the Food and Drug Administration and the USDA can be ignored or taken as advice to do the opposite.

For a better and more accurate idea of what we should eat, we would do better do invert the Food Pyramid. While our society tends to avoid fats like the plague, especially ones deemed "trans or saturated" not all fats are bad and our bodies need good amounts of good fat to function properly. Our largest amount of food should come from Vegetables, especially those that grow above ground. Potatoes and carrots are very starchy and should be eaten in moderation. Spinach and Broccoli are power foods that can aid weight loss, improve mental ability and help the immune system. Eggs are also a good source of protein and can be used in many recipes.

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